Upper Killay

  • Venue:

    Pines Chapel Vestry Upper Killay

  • Postcode:

    SA2 7EX

  • Disabled Access:

    Not Specified

  • Week:


  • Day:


  • Time:


  • Website:

    Not Specified

Become a member

Your information will be shared with your local federation or WI to allow them to make contact with you. Personal information is held in accordance with the NFWI privacy policy.

If you would like more information about joining this WI please contact the local federation.

Find out about the benefits of joining a WI.

Please note:
This information is regularly updated, however meetings, times and venues can be subject to change and therefore it is advisable to contact the local federation to confirm the meeting details if you wish to visit the above WI.

The venue above is the place where the WI meets and postal correspondence of any kind should not be sent to the venue as it is unlikely to reach any of the WI members and can upset the venue owners.

Upper Killay

For more information contact:

President: Lesley Hammond



Information regarding the W.I. can be found at the following:-

Glamorgan Federation:

13 Courtland Place,

Port Talbot SA13 1JJ

(01639 881588)


NFWI ­ Wales

33 Cathedral Rd,

Cardiff CF11 9HB

029 2022 1712


National Federation:

104 New Kings Road, London SW6 4LY

(0207 371 9300)
